17 May 2020


Eleventh of May 
was my
My Seventy Sixth Birthday

Yes, I was born in 1944!
Am I not an antique?

Starlings like dried mealworms and zoom in instantly when I've scattered a handful outside my back door

Photographing swallows isn't the easiest of tasks
(to see a really excellent catch see here)
(and many more here)

The grebe's still on the nest

Songster on may tree

Just one Pic from the Twelfth

Fledgling starling ...

The Thirteenth of May

... and here's a fledgling sparrow

Why they're called great crested grebes

West end of the pond

From t'other side

Unusual gate ornament

Here's squirrel!

Thursday the Fourteenth of May

Superciliousness incarnate!

I have been reminded that these are ribwort plantains

The pond
(five pics 'Huginised')

This is one of the commonest that I see - I have no idea what breed or type it is but I always thing that they look as if they're formally dressed so I call 'em 'dinner jacket flies'

On the canal adjacrnt to the pond is what I, and only I, think was possibly a wharf in days long gone. There's a roughly level area some fifty feet long cut out of the bank and  four of five metal posts visible in the winter.

Most of the gorse around the pond has now 'gone over' and the bushes have turned from the vibrant yellow of the flowers to the light brown of the seed pods

Looking like a slightly smaller version of a dandelion on its long stems, hawkweed adds yellow to the green.

The pond from the North Wesr

Think that this was my first damselfly of the year

Mum and the kids 

Fledgling on the gate


I've moved the 
Today (Saturday 16th) I was wandering about with my camera and, unusually for me, tripod*.
I encountered a young lady who asked me whether it was OK to walk about with a camera & tripod or if she would be 'told off' for doing so. My initial response was that it was alright to photograph anyone or anything on public property; that is if the camera and its operator were on public property. Since then I've done a little research.
Note: I do not photograph people from near by - i.e. when they will be recognisable nor do I photograph on private property - including shopping precincts and/or shops.
* I had the tripod because I wanted to get some extremely
zoomed pics as the swan had hatched (9?) cygnets.
I've moved the rest of this post to its own page here


  1. Wow! That damsel-fly! Matching turquoise head spots and tail band! Never seen one so close up. Serena reports a raven in her garden. I suggested that it was a crow until she said that it had picked up and flown off with her dog's bone!

  2. Crows are capable of quite a lot, I suspect that they are the biggest predators on the chicks of ducklings and similar round here - ravens are bloody big beasts and you'll know if you see one - bloody big!

    damsels are quite sweet compared to their big cousins dragonflies.

