02 May 2020

28th April and More November

Pics from last Tuesday: just a walk around the pond and along the canal towpath to town with a bonus pic of a mallard family that wandered near my back garden.
Followed by two days from November last year including some flood pics around town.

Twenty Eighth of April 2020

A face that only a mother could love.

Water level's dropping in the pond.


Aliens among us!
(Willow catkin)

Rowan or mountain ash flowers

Footpath robin

Herb robert

I find this somewhat poignant; it's 'Just Bears' by Sue Quinn.
It was left in the detritus of a homeless camp site last year.

Lilac lilac.

This little family was on the road outside my back gate so I herded them to the pond - barefoot in the rain.

Eighth of November

Sky News chopper surveying our floods

Our muscovy

Rugby field and over to Stubbing Lane

Worksop Cricket Club
Rain stopped play

Market day!

Another news chopper

Moon at seven o'clock

Ninth of November

Pan of the Eastern end o' t'pond

Haws and lichen


  1. You do take some lovely moon pictures. By god that's a fugly bird though.

    1. It's quite err ... not revolting from some angles. I need some better glass to get decent pics o' the moon.

