03 November 2011

Thursday Morning

Thanks to the twitterati, I was impelled to go out early this am.
The sky was overcast but rain had stopped

Two swans left on their route south …

… but the three left remained photogenic

Up the Chesterfield canal as far as Shireoaks:

Teasels! (or should it be "Teazels"?)

The Marina looked good in the sun.

And just outside were:

Nb Wineberry
Nb Satyr
Intended to go further but felt the knee going as I approached Shireoaks bridge so I turned back.

Back at Godfrey's pond the voles were in the hawthorn, but I didn't manage a shot, having to make do with a robin:


  1. Love the swans in flight! Great photos as ever Rojer. Theres always so much to see on the side of the canal. Hope the knees not giving you too much trouble.

  2. The swans took me by surprise. Just ambling along when "Whump; whump; whump" wings beating off to the side. Hastily snapped about 10 pics.

    The knee's getting better but today it's the back! I hate my bloody bones!

    Pics are easy when you've a decent camera. Just relies on pointing it in the right direction :)

